Click on some of the buttons in this chapter for more information.
Do you have the latest version of TimeSlice?
If you have Netscape, start it up and click on the button above to go to our web page <> and download the latest version of TimeSlice.
Why is this a mini-manual?
This mini-manual is small, and the full manual is large, so why force you to download the full manual when this product may not be what you want?
Where is the full manual?
At our web page <>. It is well worth downloading, as it explains much more than this manual does. If you can't download the full manual, we can postal mail you the full manual along with the latest version of TimeSlice on a diskette for $5.
This user's manual is in DOCMaker format. DOCMaker is a shareware document-creator application from Green Mountain Software. For more information on DOCMaker, write to Green Mountain Software at email address <>.
TimeSlice‚Ñ¢ graphics, application icon, and user's manual icon by
Halvor Nome
NOME A/S Design & Market Communication
Karl Johansgt. 20
N-1776 Halden, NORWAY
And a special mahalo (thanks) to all the people who helped beta test TimeSlice. It would have been a lot harder developing this product without their help.